just guessing: You use the wrong variable to extract the ControlProperties. Your for-loop defines a virable j, but you are using i.

Agnisys schrieb:
Hello all,
  I'm trying to read a Writer (OO 2.4) form in Java (IDE: Netbeans 6.1, java
1.6u6) on Windows 2003. I have two buttons in the form but the PropertySet
always gives me information for the first one that was added when the form
was created! Here is the relevant code snippet ...

            XIndexContainer xForms =
            int i = 0;
            while (xForms.hasElements()) {
                XIndexContainer xForm =

                for (int j = 0; j < xForm.getCount(); ++j) {
                    XPropertySet xControlProps =
use j instead of i                     ^^

                    XPropertySetInfo xPropertySetInfo =

                    Property[] property = xPropertySetInfo.getProperties();
for (int k = 0; k < property.length; k++) {
                        //// These property names and values are always for
the first button!

// prop name = property[k].Name // prop value = xControlProps.getPropertyValue(property[k].Name);
i++; :

Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong? Is there another (perhaps
shorter) way to do this?


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