Hi Andre,

On Wed, 2008-06-04 at 15:25 +0200, Andre Schnabel wrote:
> The council in it's current structure seems very centralistic to me
> (it's almost built around the project leads).

        Sure, it's a problem wrt. generating interest and participation. 

> Anyway - it would need time to discuss some rules who should be
> eligible. An we surely should discuss this. 

        Do you have a personal time-line, or estimate of when you would want
that to yield a result ? 1 month ? 6 months ? 1 year ? 3 years ? ;-)

> But next council elections are overdue, for more than a year now (if
> not two). So we really should go on with new elections.

        Well, IMHO the fact that the elections have not happened for years at a
time in the past, and that the structure is agreed by virtually everyone
(that speaks up) to be sub-optimal, surely suggests that now is a great
time to re-invigorate the council structures before the next election.
What greater legacy can the out-going members give, than a more open,
interesting and accountable structure for OpenOffice ?

        ie. do we really need to delay ? ;-)



 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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