Please let me second Joerg's request for a debuggable download.

My interest arises not from any mystery or suspicion of a problem in the
OOo code but simply from a taste for using an interactive debugger as a
tool for understanding the code.  I think this habit is somewhat common.

Is it possible to make a debuggable download which will work for as
broad a range of systems as the installation sets currently offered?


On Wed, 2008-07-09 at 15:36 +0200, Joerg Doll wrote:
> Hi,
> in some cases it would be great to have an debugable version of an
> release (e.g 2.x.x) to clarify problems. When using the
> API of OOo (for example within an extension or an external java
> program) and crashes under misterious circumstances
> this could the best way to isolate the problem and report issues with
> higher quality. [1] describes how to debug and refers to non
> production build [2], which should contain the neccessary debug stuff.
> Where can I find non production builds?
> As I understood the only way to get a non production build is to
> rebuild If so then we should have in mind that
> everybody who needs a non production build has to do this time
> consuming and error-prone task.
> So, would it be possible to provide non production builds (debug
> version) for every release by default?
> Best regards
> Jörg Doll
> [1]
> [2] 
> -- 
> Jörg
> Doll 
> Dipl.-Inform. (FH)
> Consultant / System Architekt 
> Tel. 
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> (0)7202/ 707-299
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