I'm working on creating an Add-on for OpenOffice (I hope this is the
right place for such questions). I've gone through most of the
documentation, but since this is my first exposure to UNO and the
office environment I'm still not sure how everything fits together.

I need to listen for document events (OnLoad, OnSave, etc.), so I've
created an XEventListener implementation, but I'm not sure how to add
this listener to the XEventBroadcaster on the OfficeDocument service.
I'd like it to be attached automatically when the office is started in
order to capture events throughout the session.

It looks like I can get the service manager/XMultiComponentFactory
through the XComponentContext, create an OfficeDocument and query  for
its XEventBroadcaster, but I'm not sure where and when this can be

I'm using Java (with the NetBeans IDE) and OOo 2.4.


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