By now I did not receive a single objection regarding the switch to Java 1.5 ... I understand that as agreement. So, I am going to update the Java policy page soon, to reflect that by now Java 1.5, and not Java 1.3.1 anymore, is the official OOo baseline.

Thanks for your support


Kay Ramme wrote:
Hi OOo porters,

I am mailing you because I just recently started a discussion on [EMAIL PROTECTED] regarding the OOo Java baseline. As Sun has open sourced Java about 1 1/2 years ago to the OpenJDK project, and as this OpenJDK recently become fully functional, I proposed to switch to the OpenJDK as OOos Java baseline, as soon as it becomes available on all of OOos platforms. Please see

While discussing that, I talked to Svante Schubert, who observed various issues in OOos current Java libraries, some of them are checked in in binary form, some being functional redundant etc. (please see Svantes mail Plan is, to clean that up before releasing OOo 3.0. In detail Svante plans to replace the current Xalan XSLT processor with Saxon. Problem is, that this requires at least Java 1.5, while the current baseline still is the 1.3 (see

I created an overview of OOo, its platforms and the availability of OpenJDK respectively something similar. Please see

Unfortunately I have not any information on your platforms yet, so I don't know, if raising the baseline to 1.5 would be compatible with your platforms.

Please comment on a switch to OpenJDK in general, and if it can be suitable for you.

Please also comment on raising the baseline to Java 1.5 for OOo 3.0, ideally you would change the Wiki page according to the Java used/available ... :-)

Thanks in advance


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