I have several years of programming experience and some 10 years of
expirience with Microsoft Access databases. I recently began studying Open
Office, but I miss *documentation* about *properties, methods and actions*in
*event procedures* in forms; I can see that event procedures are called *
macros* in *OpenOffice.org Base*.

For example, when in Access I press a certain button in a form, it causes a
report to open by this event procedure:

   Private Sub listrapp_Interesse3_Click()
   ' Report on all series where interest is rather big (>=3).
   ' Svend Larsen, 23/7-08.
   *DoCmd.OpenReport* "R_ListSerierAlbum", acViewPreview, , "[interesse]>=3"
   Screen.ActiveReport.begbogst = "Alle med stor interesse (>=3)"
   End Sub

Correspondingly, opening a form is done by *DoCmd.OpenForm*. If I want to
close the current form, I do it  with *DoCmd.Close*. Rather simple, if one
knows what to write. I presume that Open Office is equally simple, although
of course other magic words are to be used.

But I have not been able to find documentation where I can see what the
corresponding commands are called in OpenOffice.org Base. Can you help me?

Kind regards
Svend Larsen

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