Hi all

I build the OpenOffice.org 3.0 from source code. After I successfully build
it, I got the .deb installation files.

But when I install the .deb files, all the files will be placed to /opt,
instead of /opt/openoffice.org and /opt/openoffice.org3, the official
OpenOffice.org 3.0 installation path.

I tried to change a lot parameters when I build Openoffice.org. But the
result is still the same. Could any one help me to solve this problem?

The build environment is as follows:
Operating System:
Ubuntu 8.04
Openoffice.org source code:
Build parameters:
--with-distro=Debian --with-dict=ENUS --with-myspell-dicts --with-fonts
--enable-binfilter --enable-fontooo --enable-epm  --disable-kde

Best regards,

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