Hi Steve

2008/11/24 Steve Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I use OpenOffice and find the Thesaurus to be handy..  But it is kinda hard
> to use (select it from the menu Tools->Language->Thesaurus or Ctrl + F7)
> Would it not be nice if 'one' could simply right-click on a word and have a
> Thesaurus-> that list related words... kinda how the spellchecker works.
> #user right clicks on a none hilighted word
> context menu example..
> =============
> Font->
> Size->
> --------------------
> Thesaurus->
> --------------------
> Past
> =============
> #then th user moves the mouse on Thesaurus->
> lists some synonyms for the word.
> Alright time to get to work....
> Since im a programmer I installed the OpenOffice SDK and netbeans 6.5 with
> the OpenOffice plugin...
> Did some reading in the "OpenOffice.org 2.3  Developer's Guide •   June
> 2007" on page ~490 about the Linguistic stuff...
> Well im still lost and dont know where or how I should go about adding this
> new abiality to the right click context menu.
> Any help would umm help.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] would be a better mailing list for you.

There was someone in October trying to do the same, search in the API
mailing list archive
(I guess the easiest way would be to search every mail written by that
developer, for example
http://api.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=dev&msgNo=20182 )

Any way, I can't tell how things went with him, as he didn't show up anymore...


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