Yes, these are hints, but you do not get this information from the IDL reference
and it seems to be impossible to get this information via reflection.

I created now around 3000 classes from doing reflection of the whole system and
can't get this information.


rony schrieb:
Hi Marten,

just guessing.

Marten Feldtmann wrote:
How can this code run:

((mxDocument as XTextFieldsSupplier).getTextFields() as

getTextFields() (by interface "XTextFieldsSupplier") delivers
and this interface does not understand "refresh".

Where in the idl reference do I get the information, that
getTextFields() actually delivers an instance of
"" ?

I do not get this information via the idl reference, nor by reflection
Going to
and choosing "Use" in the top menu, you get to
where you see a reference to

it seems that "XEnumerationAccess" is a subclass of "XContainer" and as
such possesses the "XRefreshableInterface", which you then would neet to
query explicitly from the XEnumerationAcess object.



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