Hi Shuang,

> I notice there is a qa sub-module under each module, for example sw/qa,
> sd/qa...... but there is also a qadevOOo.
> Who can tell me the relation ship of these qa related modules? Does
> automation test of qadevOOo depend on qa of each module? How to build
> these /qa ?

<module>/qa contains test cases for the module's code. Often, but not
always, this is Java code which depends on the qadevOOo framework -
so-called "complex tests cases" or "UNO API tests".

The concrete structure of the qa folder depends on the module, there's
no general rule. To find out, I suggest you look for a makefile.mk
somewhere in the qa folder (or subfolders thereof), and try what happens
when you do a "dmake". Either the tests are ran immediately then (which
is the case for C++ test cases, usually), or the tests are compiled, and
a subsequent "dmake run" or "dmake run_<test_name>" will will actually
run it.

Note that for the complex tests and the UNO API tests you need a running
OpenOffice.org instances, started with the usual "--accept=..." parameter.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         frank.schoenh...@sun.com -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
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