Let's say that I want to implement the following interface in a Calc
add-in so I get the Calc function JanFunc:
interface XJan : com::sun::star::uno::XInterface
string JanFunc( [in] string SomeText, [in] string
OptionalText );
and I want to be able to use both the form "=JANFUNC(A1;B1)" and
"=JANFUNC(A1)" and have a suitable default value provided for the second
optional parameter.
As far as I can understand I cannot specify that a parameter is optional
directly in the UNO IDL, so I need to somehow tell the function wizard
in Calc that the second parameter is optional and what its default value
is, right ? I can see that the function wizard is capable of this, e.g.
the "COUPDAYS" function.
The UNO component that I have based mine on is the
tokencounter-calc-addin Python example which implements the XAddIn
interface to provide info for the function wizard. However, I cannot
figure out how the code would be able to indicate that a parameter is
optional. Do any of you have a link to a Python example that supports
optional parameters ?
Alternatively, is it more correct now-a-days to use a CalcAddin.xcu file
instead of implementing XAddIn ? That could save me from cluttering my
Python code with all this metadata. However, I would need some kind of
reference as to the format of a CalcAddin.xcu file - I cannot seem to
find it anywhere.
-- Jan
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