Dear OpenOffice Community,

Please help me in next problem.
I have made an OO build on Slackware Linux with next configuration:

./configure --with-use-shell=bash --with-system-libs --without-system-jars
--without-system-icu --without-system-agg --without-system-lpsolve
--without-system-mspack --disable-mozilla --disable-pam
--without-system-hunspell --without-system-altlinuxhyph --disable-gconf

The OO 3.1.0 was compilled without any errors.

On Slackware OO works perfectly.

But when I try to run this office on various systems (Fedora, Ubuntu) I
obtain an error: some formats could not read (odp,odt, ppt, pptx) instead
doc& docx. When I call ./swriter command for example, the window appears
with the message about OO crash and

Please, tell me what do you think abouit the causes of such a problem. Thank
you very much.

Sincerely yours,

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