Hi *, I'm happy to announce the availability of a new buildbot. The bot Mandriva-2010 is a x86 bot with gcc 4.4.1, JDK 1.6.0_16 (Sun)
Contrary to other bots, this one also respects the "additional languages" box on the "force a build" page. When requesting additional languages, languagepacks will be built, but only the en-US one will be built as full set. The en-US full set (along with extensions produced along during the build) will be packed in the zip that is available via the http://termite.services.openoffice.org/install_sets/ page (when the option "install set" was checked to request the upload). The built languagepacks will be available from http://buildbot.projects.ooodev.org - the naming scheme of the directories is <nameoftree>-<changesetid> (for example linuxaxp01-0b056a7d1510 contains those languagepacks that were created building the cws "linuxaxp01" when it was at changeset "0b056a7d1510" - for milestones this will be DEV300_m75-DEV300_m75 since the changeset is referred to via the symbolic tag). To ease association with buildbot's build-numbers, files containing the mapping are also created. (textfiles because of links just because virtualbox doesn't support creation of links in shared folders) (note that the existing mappings won't match since the name of the bot was changed in the testing phase) For example 14 contains: "build number 14 is cbosdo03-86aa97e80bd2" A link will be provided on tinderbox build-status pages, for example see http://tinderbox.go-oo.org/tinder.cgi?tree=cbosdo03&start-time=1270812046&display-hours=40 - on termite, you would have to look at the last line on the "bundle" stage, for example http://termite.services.openoffice.org/buildbot/builders/Mandriva-2010/builds/14/steps/shell_6/logs/stdio (the line TinderboxPrint: <a href="http://buildbot.projects.ooodev.org/cbosdo03-86aa97e80bd2/" title="this build's languagepacks are there">Languagepacks</a> For suggestions/feedback/complaints please f'up2 the tinder...@tools.openoffice.org mailnglist ciao Christian --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@openoffice.org For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@openoffice.org