Thanks my friends!
I got the packages but i can't find the java implementation of the java
inteface XGoalSeek (I believe that must be, or I'm
Someone has any idea?

2010/5/7 Björn Michaelsen <>

> Am Thu, 06 May 2010 13:25:15 -0300
> schrieb Romildo Ferreira <>:
> > Hi, my friends!
> > I kown that this list is only to OpenOffice developer, but I would
> > like to download the source code to undestand the implementation of
> > goalSeek function.
> > Unfortantly when I try this path in my TortoiseCVS:
> > "" i get a fail
> > message.
> > Could some one help me?
> The building guide should get you on track (from getting the source to
> completing your fist build):
> BR, Bjoern
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Romildo Ferreira Lima Júnior
Analista de Sistemas - Usix Technology
"Amai-vos uns aos outros como eu vos amei."
                                          Jesus Cristo

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