Hello Sabine, 

Am Tue, 25 May 2010 17:18:47 +0200
schrieb "sabine.ka...@arcor.de" <sabine.ka...@arcor.de>:

> Dearest Open Office!!!!
> I have a question for a software-solution, that no one can answer!
> Have you specialists got a software-solution for me as a _journalist_?
> My sons are Open Office fans and told me, that you were the
> greatests!!

First, I think you wrote to the wrong list. :( Try sending your
question to us...@de.openoffice.org There you can write in German,
since it is the Germanophone list. 

> Here`s the problem:
> _First_ I want to copy only the file-strukture from my extern 
> hard-disc-drive-archive,
> without the contained documents, into my laptop, so that in the laptop
> I have got the empty structure of my archive-file-system.
> This would be great!!
> My file-system in the extern archive is very large
> and the file-system has got a deep strukture of file in file in
> file ..., as deep as it is possible.
> There are huge amounts of documents in these files of my archive.
> _The second_ (luxury-) duty would be an order, that deletes in my
> laptop all content out of a specific chosen file and out of its
> subfiles
> - without deleting the files.
> This is the archive-system, that I need urgently.
> I want to work with an "empty" laptop!
> My laptop is just a little Acer with Windows Vista.
> And I have got only Open Office.
> I hope, I explained and thought about everything well enough

I don't think, that something like this is possible with
OpenOffice.org. This might be possible with some tools that are
specific to your operating system. But as I said, ask on the other list
and I'm sure, there's someone who can point you into the right


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