Am Mon, 14 Jun 2010 14:13:36 -0400
schrieb Bill Hoffman <>:

> OK, so you depend on gmake features.
Indeed. Some of the recent gmake features are really nifty and make it
quite powerful.

> This might be an interesting thing to try with CMake some day. To
> generate a makefile that does not have recursion, but depends on
> gmake as the make processor.   I will put that on the todo list.
That sounds interesting indeed -- and from a bootstrapping point of
view with gmake being plain C and thus very portable, it should be
available on pretty much any platform (or at least on any CMake
platform as CMake has higher requirements being C++).

> Right now CMake supports generic make.  I would not be against a
> gmake only makefile generator being added to CMake.  It would be an
> interesting experiment to see how this type of makefile compares for
> large and small projects.
If you do, please have a look at the stuff we are currently doing with
GNU make -- you will see that it might be possible to keep a lot of the
abstractions made by CMake visible in the generated files, if one uses
a small generic "runtime library" in GNU make.

Best Regards,


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