I have solved the issue with libxslt by building by hand. Now it fails with 
(Spanish messages translated by me)

> build.pl verbose=true

dmake:  Warning: -- Found file corresponding to virtual target 
mkdir: cannot create directory 
`./wntmsci12.pro/misc/build/Python-2.6.1/PCbuild': File exists
cd ./wntmsci12.pro/misc/build/Python-2.6.1/PCbuild && 
C:/ARCHIV~1/MICROS~1.0/VC/vcpackages/vcbuild.exe pcbuild.sln "Release|Win32"  
&& C:/cygwin/bin/touch.exe 

Microsoft project generator (R) Visual C++ project genrator - command line 
version 9.00.21022
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

started compilation of version: proyect: make_versioninfo, configuration: 
make_versioninfo - up to date
started compilation of version: proyect: make_buildinfo, cconfiguration: Relea
make_buildinfo - actualizado
Left out the compilation of proyect 
 for the configuration of the solution RELEASE|WIN32. This project will not be 
built for this configuration of the solution.
started compilation of version: proyect: kill_python, configuration: 
kill_python - actualizado
started compilation of version: proyect: pythoncore, configuration: 
pythoncore - actualizado
started compilation of version: proyect: w9xpopen, configuration: Release|Win32
w9xpopen - actualizado
started compilation of version: proyect: python, configuration: Release|Win32

dmake:  Error code 127, while making 

It seems that vcbuild.exe returning code 127 is normal. Therefore, the makefile 
should be modified so that the build succeds in this case. But I wonder, is 
this working for others?

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