Finally I managed to isolate the problem. It is a problem with case.

The Microsoft Visual C++ express defines the LIB environment variable 
(vcvars32.bat). The Cygwin system translates it to lowercase lib. Openoffice 
build system defines uppercase LIB, and leaves lib untouched. When the 
Microsoft compiler and linker is run, and both the uppercase LIB and lowercase 
exist, the conversion Unix environment -> Windows environment passes lowercase 

Setting under cygwin LIB=${lib} and, most important, unsetting lib fixed the 

But I am afraid this problem may happen to any user. What should we do? Perhaps 
the lib (lowercase) should be undefined in the variables script

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Mathias Bauer []
Enviado el: martes, 29 de junio de 2010 16:44
Asunto: Re: [dev] Issues building under windows xp: patch


there is nothing we need to do for the LIB variable as it is used already. The 
LIB variable is set in the environment of the linker when it is called. So 
whatever goes wrong in your build, it must have another reason.

Currently I'm working on Linux, maybe later I will have some time to check 
what's going on.

To exclude possible errors: does your build work if you build the
libxml2 module, call deliver for it and then build libxslt?


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