Am 02.07.2010 14:59, schrieb Daniel Rentz:
Hi all,

A topic that needs some discussion first, I think.

The com::sun::star::uno::Sequence has a constructor

Sequence( sal_Int32 len )

which converts a sal_Int32 to a Sequence of the given length implicitly.
That caused a bug I have searched for some time now (while calling a
function, I passed a sal_Int32 to a Sequence<Any> parameter, but
intended was that the sequence contains one Any with the integer value).

To make it short: Is it worth to make this Sequence c'tor explicit?

One opinion I got already from Stephan Bergmann:

Would, strictly speaking, be an incompatible UNO change. But I doubt
that it would break much existing code (and the one it would break would
probably be of dubious quality), so I would not mind making that change.


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