We have built an extension, targetted at 2.3.1, that uses Apache CXF
to communicate with a web service.

We have experienced two perplexing problems.

1. If we call the standard JAX-WS API (the Endpoint class), we don't
get CXF. We get some other implementation. That implies that there is
another SPI for JAX-WS in the classpath ahead of us. What might it be,
and how could we politely configure to get control here? Or do we need
to make an isolated classloader for our extension?

2. If we use the CXF-specific API to dodge this, we get a C++
exception throw, in OO code, in the middle of the call into CXF to
communicate with the service. Since CXF itself has no JNI (except, of
course, for that built-in to Java itself), we find this very

I am in the middle of building OO binaries with debug so that we can
get a backtrace from the C++ exception, but I'm sending this 'in case
of D'OH!'.


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