
Another, even older, page, discusses and calls for a
slew of 'macports' stuff. Is any of that relevant?


On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 10:45 AM, Christian Lohmaier
<> wrote:
> Hi *,
> On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 4:22 PM, Benson Margulies <> 
> wrote:
>> Will work for the
>> 3.2.1 tarball?
> I never liked those instructions and they were outdated very early due
> to the way things are described. And it always lists way too many
> unnecessary configure flags.
> Looking at the page makes things overly complicated. It might have had
> some reason to exist during the transition phase from X11 to aqua
> based OOo, but now there actually is no reason to look at it anymore.
> Building on Mac actually is one of the easiest tasks compared to
> building on other systems.
> When you got XCode installed, you're ready to go (when using prebuilt
> mozilla or disable mozilla).
> Only when building mozilla from source you need additional packages installed.
> When building on 10.4 or 10.5, there should be no problem at all.
> regarding 10.6: the patches to build out-of the box have not been
> integrated in 3.2.1 codebase yet. Apply the corresponding patches from
> / the corresponding 
> cws.
> ./configure --disable-mozilla --disable-binfilter --disable-odk should
> get you going (the last two only to speed-up the build, since you want
> to debug java extensions and not document filters for old binary
> formats and don't intend to write new extensions on the Mac you don't
> need the SDK either, so you can disable that as well)
> ciao
> Christian
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