I'm trying to fix this bug 

In windows Vista and windows 7, Segoe UI is set as default font for UI. When 
starting OpenOffice.org with "Use system font for user interface" option, the 
input box or UI text will be displayed overlapped when there is thai text mixed 
with western text. I have tried to set windows UI font to Verdana, the text 
also overlapped. I found that these fonts, Segoe UI and Verdata doesn't have 
thai gryphs. But if I set the font to Tahoma (this font have Thai gryphs), the 
OpenOffice.org input box and UI text will be displayed correctly. I suspect 
that if OpenOffice.org use a UI font without thai gryph, the text will be 
display overlapped when there are Thai characters mixed in the text. 

Since vcl and outdev functions are very complex. Can anyone tell me where 
should I start? 
_/|\_ Tantai Thanakanok. Open Source Development Co., Ltd. 
Tel: +66 38 311816, Fax: +66 38 773128, http://www.osdev.co.th/ 

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