Hi Bartosz, On Wednesday, 2010-10-27 11:39:27 +0200, Bartosz wrote:
> In tools module are utterly horrible Date/Time/DateTime classes in > tools that could be replaced by Boost.Date_Time: What exactly would you describe as "utterly horrible"? Yes, they have some ugly attributes and code.. > What do you think about idea to replace Date/Time/DateTime classes in tools > with Boost.Date_Time? > http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_44_0/doc/html/date_time.html Given the current implementation and use of Date/Time/DateTime I'd consider that way overload. If replacing things at all I'd use some ICU calendar instead as we already use that in i18n related context. However, again, that is overload given the current use, I'd strive for cleaning up the tools' code where necessary instead of introducing yet unknown quirks.. Eike -- OOo Calc core developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer. Signature key 0x87F8D412 : 2F58 5236 DB02 F335 8304 7D6C 65C9 F9B5 87F8 D412 OpenOffice.org Engineering at Oracle: http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS -- Please don't send mail to the old e...@sun.com account that I used for mailing lists, it phased out. Use eike.rat...@oracle.com instead. Thanks.
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