
We're nearing OOo Hackfest

I added details about times, how to get there, the place where we meet
for beer and fun on Friday, public transport..

To be able to reserve tables at the Schachcafé I'd need to know who
plans to show up when. Unfortunately they don't reserve seats for an
unlimited time, if people don't show up they give the spare seats away
after 30 minutes. However, I could tell them 10 seats at 19:00 and
another 10 seats at 21:00, for example. So please mail me the necessary

I'd also like to draw your attention again to
and to enter the area of your interest.

At the event internet connection will be available, but may be limited
in bandwidth. Attempting to pull an OOo repository there might not be
a good idea, so please have a repository of the latest DEV300 milestone
on your hard disk, preferably pre-built ;-)

Thanks, and see you next weekend!


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