On 01/26/11 16:22, Andor E wrote:
I have created a custom XCU and schema. I want to distribute these files
with my own OOo build. I have modified already a lot of makefiles and .lst
files, but the build script doesn't pack my files. I haven't found any
documentation either.
Which files do I have to change, to add my files to the build process? Do I
have to localize a XCU? What's the meaning of all the constants in
build.lst? I haven't found any reference to the names anywhere else.

The easiest approach might be to add your xcs and xcu files to existing directories underneath officecfg/registry/schema and officecfg/registry/data, resp., modify the makefile.mk files in those directories appropriately (sections XCSFILES and XCUFILES, resp.), and have them included in main.xcd in postprocess/packregistry/makefile.mk.


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