On 2011/05/18 18:06, Niklas Nebel wrote:
> Generally, this is a very valid concern. In some places where we found out 
(or just assumed) that it makes a difference, we currently use smaller integer 
types directly for member variables, instead of enum. For example, see eCellType 
in ScBaseCell (sc/inc/cell.hxx). Or FormulaToken (formula/inc/formula/token.hxx), 
where the type of eOp and eType even depends on DBG_UTIL.

enum OpCodeEnum

#ifndef DBG_UTIL
// save memory since compilers tend to int an enum
typedef USHORT OpCode;
// have enum names in debugger
typedef OpCodeEnum OpCode;

That is a great idea!!!

> I don't know if Font objects are constructed in very large numbers.

That might not be a big concern than that of calc, I think. The font object 
tends to share the same instance using a reference counter. When a small change 
such as a font size is being made, the entire object will be duplicated first 
and then the change is applied to the new instance.

I have just tried to determine how __attribute__((packed)) works.

gcc (GCC) 4.2.3 running CentOS release 5.4 (Final)
With the original source code of OOO330_m20 aka OpenOffice.org 3.3.0
sizeof(Impl_Font) = 88
sizeof(FontFamily) = 4

With patch applied source code
sizeof(Impl_Font) = 56
sizeof(FontFamily) = 1

That works well so far. But, unfortunately, __attribute__((packed)) seems 
relatively new.

The motivation of this topic comes from a different point. I have been looking for a way 
to prevent a well-known phenomenon "A single sheet that fits in a A4 paper with 
Excel turns into two or four A4 papers with Calc."
Tweaking nPPTX and nPPTY ?
Reducing a font size just before calling OutputDevice::SetFont() from the 
inside of sc and editeng ?

Best regards,
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