Please note:   The time has come for this list to be retired.  It will
be shutdown on or soon after March 15th.  All of the legacy email lists will be shutdown at that time.

The good news is that we have an equivalent list for Apache OpenOffice
and you are welcome to subscribe to that list.

To join the new list, send an email to This should be done from the
email account where you want to receive the list messages.

This will generate a confirmation email which will be sent to your
email address. You will need to reply to the confirmation email in
order to complete your subscription to the new list.

To send posts to the new list, you will mail them to the following

And if you ever want to unsubscribe to the new list, you can do so by
sending an email to:


To unsubscribe send email to
For additional commands send email to
with Subject: help

Reply via email to