Nick Whitelegg wrote:

> Regarding the "OpenTrail" OSM walking/hiking software 

> idea that I'd 
 like to develop given enough time (see earlier 

> in the week), I'd like to 
 ensure it's compatible with phones 

> and other mobile devices. This will 
 probably influence 

> what language it's written in - my initial ideas are either 
> C++(Qt), Java or C# (could share code with Igor in the 

> last case). 

Another option for the C++ library could be wxWidgets.  For Win, Lin, Mac its a 
thin wrapper to nice looking native widgets, and looking at their website, has 
some embedded support.  WinCE and some others, though there's a bit more 
development in the PDA than phone direction possibly.  I don't know any more 
about it than's on the website, but I know it makes it look very nice on all 
the 'PC' platforms.

wxWidgets -> About -> Datasheets -> embedded something

Not suggesting its the best option, but worth considering.


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