On Sun, 11 May 2008, Cartinus wrote:

> On Sunday 11 May 2008 13:23:36 Robert Funnell wrote:
>> I don't really understand the 'and/or JOSM' part.
> If you download some data with JOSM and then save it as an .osm file, it has
> one or more elements like the one below at the top of the file.
>  <bound
> box='52.08475079143252,5.094459681354584,52.090622900019625,5.104450689617659'
> origin='http://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.5' />

Thanks for mentioning this. I guess it's more or less equivalent to 
the suggestion at 
that JOSM be used to determine the bbox coordinates for the download?

For those of us who use Potlatch rather than JOSM, it would be nice if 
one could conveniently download and render without having to use JOSM 
for something as seemingly minor as converting to and then enforcing 
the bbox coordinates. In addition to adding the bounds element to the 
download, perhaps the API could also handle download requests in the 
centre+zoom format displayed when viewing the slippy map?

- Robert

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