On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 4:00 AM, Frederik Ramm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> > No need for ids or ordering.
> >
> > <area id="1234">
> >     <tag k="landuse" v="industrial" />
> >     <outer>
> >         <nd ref="1"/>
> >         <nd ref="2"/>
> >         <nd ref="3"/>
> >     </outer>
> >     <inner>
> >         <nd ref="4"/>
> >         <nd ref="5"/>
> >         <nd ref="6"/>
> >     </inner>
> [...]
> True, but at least internally some kind of ID would be required to use
> it in the area_nodes table.
> Bye
> Frederik

But it would be best to keep that sort of detail hidden from the OSM XML
file. When an area is uploaded, the area_nodes can just be numbered
sequentially, with the outer ring as 0 and the inner rings starting at one
and incrementing as a new inner section is discovered.

I've recently been contemplating writing a plugin for Osmosis that would
transform OSM data into more of a linestring format (i.e., include the lat
and lon of each point in a way along with the ref) and consolidate the
multipolygons into single entities such as this. It would make a lot of
operations a lot easier to perform without having to first store the node

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