Am Sa, 9.08.2008, 18:47, schrieb Igor Brejc:
> m*sh wrote:

> I would recommend the following approach:
> 1. First do your conversion to OSM data locally only

That's in progress, but it will take some time to implement ways as they
are handled in OSM (and with relation it is a similar problem).

> 2. Using some OSM renderer (Mapnik, Osmarender, Kosmos...) as a testbed
> try to improve your conversion algorithm as much as possible.

I try to - and as you can see I've found something stranged, asked a
question (here!) and so I am learning to make it better before I start
uploading the stuff. But unfortunately I don't get along very well with
the renderers you've mentioned ... (usability).

> I wouldn't recommend keeping the tags meant for ways (tracktype,
> surface, ...) on your nodes.
Yes sure, I haven't been aware that the column "element" in the tags-list

[See my other mail to Frederik Ramm for a deeper explanation]

That's one important thing I have loearned now.

> Regards,

Thanks fou your acdvices.


|        harry w. graner
|mail:   hy [_at_] sha-mash  [_dot_] de
[public gpg-key on request]

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