On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 6:52 AM, Rogier Wolff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 06:28:04AM -0700, Karl Newman wrote:
> > > Those need to be marked in a way that won't interfere with current use
> > > of those ways, as well as inform interested parties/programs that a
> > > more complete way is available on the server.
> > >
> > >
> > > My personal choice would be to move towards the server delivering all
> > > ways that have at least one point inside the area. If you request two
> > > neighbouring areas some ways will be reported double....
> > >
> > >        Roger.
> > >
> >
> > The main api server does return complete ways that have at least one
> point
> > inside the area. This discussion was about the behavior of other tools
> > (namely, Osmosis) that manipulate the OSM data offline.
> So, then, the recommendation should be that when extracting data, this
> same procedure is followed, and if not, those ways should be marked
> incomplete in a way that as much as possible doesn't interfere with
> current tools. Making a node-id negative, which in other tools is used
> a as a cheap "flag", therefore becomes a non-option. It also runs the
> risk of those negative-ids becoming entered into a database, as
> separate entities.
> So a "key=value" pair like "incomplete=true" or "status=chopped" would
> be my favorite.
>        Roger.

The suggestion was to mark the version of the entity as negative. The
version attribute does not yet exist but is proposed for the upcoming 0.6
API. Making it negative would prevent it from being uploaded because the
server would reject it. The intent for the version attribute is to avoid
simultaneous editing of the same object.

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