On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 1:25 PM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> So yes, MediaWiki is crap, especially when used by computer geeks who tend
> to actually use the templating features. What options do we have? Close down
> the Wiki? Replace it with another Wiki software? Look for hardware/money to
> throw at the problem? Perhaps we would produce a nightly dump into static
> pages that could then be indexed by google et al?

The first thing that should be done is to ensure that MediaWiki's
caching infrastructure, both internal (memcache, message cache etc)
and external (squid) is correctly set up and all working optimally
together. I discussed this briefly with TomH on IRC which told me to
contact Grant regarding this, which I've done. I'd be happy to take a
look at it to see if anything can be improved.

If it's correctly set up (anonymous user) requests should either
bypass MW entirely or alternatively at least hit some cache or other
for the stuff that's computationally expensive. Although there are
some edge cases of course like when a template that's used 5 levels
deep by a few hundred other templates needs to be invalidated. But
from looking at RC it looks like the wiki has around 5-50 changes in
the Template: namespace per day so it shouldn't be that unmanageable.

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