Simone Cortesi wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 8:09 PM, Frederik Ramm <> wrote:
>> But could you perhaps check your code and see whether you have an option
>> in there that allows the user not only to select agree/disagree but also
>> the third option, "agree and PD". And if such an option is not in there,
>> could you perhaps ask those who told you to implement the plan whether
>> or not this is by design. If they say "yes, we left that out on purpose
>> but we don't want anybody to know at this time", then just leave it at
>> that and I'll hit them over the head at the next AGM. But if they should
>> say "oh, we forgot about that and yes we thing it is a good idea, let's
>> have the feature", then just add the feature.
> By the way: does it sound too stupid to wait until next AGM or SOTM to
> decide something on the new licence? Is there any real reason to do
> this *right now* in hurry? or can we happily wait few months?

You need to address those questions to the Foundation - I don't know 
anything more than you do as I haven't seen any drafts of the license 
that you haven't.


Tom Hughes (

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