Hello Martin,

Monday, March 16, 2009, 8:19:21 PM, you wrote:
MK> well Bezier-Curves date back to the 1960ies, that is before any kind
MK> of electronic geodata was used. It still seems strange to me that they
MK> got this patent as it is too generic, but maybe that's how it is.

I think the patent is about the *combination* of bezier curves and geo

MK> Maybe
MK> there is one also for linear connections and we don't know? What is
MK> the exact text of the curves-one? Maybe we could use other curves?

Regardless of the validity of the patent (I can't judge that) I think
it does not prevent us to use other kinds of cuves. After all, as
suggested by other posters, other curve types may be suited better
than bezier curves to describe roads.


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