> On Thu, 19 Mar 2009 22:28:51 +1100, Brett Henderson <>
> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> To help with the situation where not everybody has the time or 
>> inclination to setup mysql and postgres databases for running test 
>> cases, I've setup the Hudson Continuous Integration server on my home 
>> server.
>> It polls SVN at 55 minutes past the hour and kicks off a new build with 
>> full unit tests if changes have been made.  Anonymous users can trigger 
>> builds using the Osmosis Play button but (hopefully) can't change 
>> anything else.
>> Let me know if you have any suggestions or see any issues.  The 
>> artefacts it produces are not yet being published.  Not sure when I'll 
>> get around to that.
> Cool.
> We should document this in the wiki.
Yep, agree.  The developer info on the wiki is very light at the moment.

It's not ideal running it on my home server because I don't want to give 
out access to it.  If anybody has other suggestions let me know.  The 
osm dev server may be more appropriate but I need a tomcat server to run 
hudson under and I'm not sure how easy that will be to organise.

The biggest limitation at the moment is that the database has to be 
manually installed.  I'd like to have the ant build create the db tables 
for me, shouldn't be difficult with the ant sql task but everything 
takes time.
> I'm not sure how yet.
> Maybe a subpage "Development" where this, the SVN,
> the osmosis-dev -list, checkstyle-rules and and
> the plugin-howto are mentioned?
Yep, sounds good.

I already have this page:

But it needs a lot of work.
> PS:
> I found out that the plugin-class is optional and stripped
> down the howto.

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