I finished most of the methods now. Some may be incomplete
but...well..work in progress ;-)

A few comments though:
 - The changeset methods allow multiple <changeset> XML elements and
the resulting changeset will be a combination of them all. The
node/way/element methods allow multiple elements, too but they only
use the very first
 - Is a expanded bounding box (via expand_bbox) useful in any way in
regard to performance? There were hints about that on the page and in
the code
 - The implementation of the 'time' parameter for the changesets query
differs from what was documented on the page
  - Doc: One-sided to query changesets where the start time is after
the given time. Implemented: One-sided to query changesets where the
_close_ time is after the given time.
  - Doc: Bounded (?time=T1,T2) to query where the start time is
between the given times. Implemented: Find changesets that were closed
after T1 and created before T2
 - The "changeset summary" is - in my opinion - not very helpful and
it is erroneus but I didn't want to just delete it right now
 - I haven't yet looked to close at the delete methods but if I
remember correctly one needs to send a valid element although only
version and changeset are used, correct? (lat/lon for nodes are
 - In routes.rb there is no api/0.6/relation/:id/:version to retrieve
an old version of a relation but all the neccessary methods are there
(old_relation_controller#version) but there is a type (see attached
 - For "ways for node" and "relations for element" there is no error
if the given element does not exist - I've attached diffs that I've
coded without trying. All other methods return a 404 if a element does
not exist
 - When creating an object (and I'm sure there are many more
occasions) while missing a changeset id the error message that is
returned is different for nodes, ways and relations

That's all I could find so far. I didn't change the error messages as
I do not now if anyone or anything depends on them but I would check
the code if I get a green light for it ;-)


Attachment: old_relation_controller.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: misc.patch
Description: Binary data

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