> Can somebody please explain what
> has happened?

Picking your first example, in 0.5 API various timeouts could occur
which could lead to this happening. Pick one of the nodes for
example that is in the way history but not showing for the way
and you can see that it switched to visible "false" in the 7th

> Which is the definitive source for that way?
> Something similar seem to have happened to the ways
> 28792317
> 33187577

I'm not sure how you would know which is the definitive source for
the way. What I would be tempted to do is use Potlatch to resurrect
the deleted nodes to at least get the way back into a consistent
state, and then leave it for someone to do with as they wish -
perhaps message Mayen to see what they were doing on the 14th so
they can repeat it if necessary.


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