2009/6/14 Shaun McDonald <sh...@shaunmcdonald.me.uk>:

>>  1.  I'd like to translate the "key of the map", but it's a "png"
>> file.
>>     Is there a SVG version that I can edit,
>>     and then, where should I put it?
> It is currently not translatable. I don't know where the original
> vector version is, nor how it is generated. I was thinking of turning
> it into a HTML table with 2 columns, the first of translatable
> strings, the second of the small image showing what it is like. Does
> anyone have any better ideas?

You need to talk to Steve8 and/or Jon Burgess as they've provided the
key images in the past so it partly depends on what is more convenient
for the in terms of having to update it.

I presume you know there is a trac ticket for this?


Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)

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