> So please elaborate what combinations you need ;) Since the output is
> csv /anything/ you imagine is there ;) and if you don't want to code,
> just add what you want and run uniq -c on it.

I'll need output in the following form:
tag-key, number of changesets, nodes, relations and ways this key is
used on, number of distinct values
tag-value, the tag-key this value belongs to, number of changesets,
nodes, relations and ways this value is used on

Additionally the following information would be nice:
key/key combinations and how often these two keys are used in together
on changesets, nodes, relations and ways

To avoid hitting the database every time a tag is processed I cache
the information in a Map in memory. Unfortunately I only have my
(t)rusty FreeBSD box with an Dual Core Athlon and 3 GB of RAM. The
cache-maps don't fit in memory so I'm looking for a solution to swap
this to disk.

Additional points for ideas on how to process the daily-diffs to keep
the data current :)
I need the old and new data for changesets, nodes, relations and ways
to process deletions and changes in tags. I think I could write a
Osmosis plugin for ths...but that's a problem for another day :)


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