Hello Philip and Frederik,

2009/9/21 Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org>:
> Philip Gillißen wrote:
>> 1. I tried to enter "Leverkusen" but your application did not found
>> administrative boundaries.
>> 2. I created a map for the boundary box:
>> http://maposmatic.org/jobs/2534
>> As you can see, there's no map, but a nice border ;)
> As David wrote in the announcement that you quoted: "For now, it only
> supports rendering French metropolitan cities' maps".
> Thus your observations don't really come as a surprise.

Yes, as Frederik underlined, we are only supporting metropolitan
France right now.

But we are working on world support. The change of scale (75 GiB of
database, 9h to import a daily diff) has a bit surprised us. We are
discovering that the OSM world is huge! ;-)

Best regards,

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