I am trying to chase a bug in josm+surveyor+livegps.
I am struggling to get
http://svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/editors/josm/ into Eclipse.
I have tried using the svn plugin in Eclipse to download the project.
That works insofar as I can use the build.xml to build the project and
it runs OK.
However, when I try to use the Java tools to (for example) find the
declaration of a variable, I always get the message "resource is not on
the build path of a java project".
If I use an svn client to download to a directory then point Eclipse to
construct a java project itself, there are hundreds of Java errors which
I have not fully investigated but look nasty. Not surprising since the
build scripts I don't think are being used in that case.

Can anybody help me to get
svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/editors/josm/ into Eclipse so that I
can use the tools of Java in Eclipse. It has to be something simple I am
doing wrong.  Apologies in advance if the answer is well known.

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