On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 12:19:34AM +0200, Tomáš Kouba wrote:
>    Hello,
>    I have an idea how to dramatically fasten building a map in JOSM.
>    Currently if you want to update your maps via JOSM then it has to download
>    the whole map every time which is very slow. So it would be great if JOSM
>    would download only diferrences in map.
>    Suggested solution:
>    Create a "cacher" (sort of proxy server) probably located on localhost,
>    which would store and cache your maps. Cacher would stand between JOSM and
>    map server API (see http://files.chciwww.cz/OSM_Components.png). You could
>    use caching feature just by specifying this "cache server" as a map server
>    in JOSM. Cacher would have its own map database and if you wanted cacher
>    to get you a map up-to-date, cacher would download from main map server
>    only differences in map.
>    How come this feature isn't already implemented as it looks so important?
>    Or is there a some sort of "tack", that kills attemps to cache maps?
>    I'm new to Open Street Map project so my apologies if I'm missing
>    something. Reason for my contribution is that I'm looking for a subject of
>    my bachelor's thesis and this looks useful.

How does the cache know when to invalidate individual objects from its cache?
This is a non trivial problem with squid and other simple object caches and
those simply fall-back to a If-Modified-Since query for an individual object. A
map call which josm uses to download map data is a multi-objects-in-an-area
call which would when fall-back to an if-modified-since query need to do the
very same query to the database - So - you would not save time in the database
but only on transfer ...

Florian Lohoff                                         f...@rfc822.org
"Es ist ein grobes Missverständnis und eine Fehlwahrnehmung, dem Staat
im Internet Zensur- und Überwachungsabsichten zu unterstellen."
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