I've been trying to get a copy of the OSM data set into a postgres
database so I can extract some statical info to help with hopefully
one day search etc.

Broadly speaking I've been following the instructions at

except I'm skiping osm2psql and using osmisis to import the data directly.

eg osmosis -q --read-change-interval --write-pgsql-change

I would like to start with just part of the database due to space, and
processor limitations and have preloaded the data using

bzcat planet-latest.osm.bz2 | osmosis-0.31/bin/osmosis  --read-xml-0.6
file="-" --log-progress --bb left=-11 right=2 top=63 bottom=49
--write-pgsql-dump enableBboxBuilder=yes enableLinestringBuilder=yes

Is this doable what do I need to do to get the diff to import without
error..... (If its possible at all)

If its not I'll have to find a faster computer with more space which
is not the simplest job in the world.... (250G is currently the
largest single disk in the office and it looks like the postgres
database for the whole planet is 500G+ currently (including indexes

If any one knows how much space I would need that might help too.


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