On Tue, 9 Mar 2010, Matthias Julius wrote:

>> Be careful with this. It should only be offered for simple conflicts.
> What is a simple conflict?

Maybe a count would be useful:

+ each added tag              = 1 point
+ each removed tag            = 1 point
+ changed tag                 = 5 points
+ slightly changed coordinate = 1 point
+ big coordinate change       = 10 points
+ ...

Simple conflict is <= 5 points

> A graphical visualization of both sides of conflicts would help.

Yes. THAT would really be fine. A class to display a subset of the 
database in an own widget would be very helpful! There are multiple places 
in JOSM were we could use that. With lots of reworking done regarding data 
storage maybe it is possible to do that now. And best would be if 
selection does also work for this.

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