On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> Jon Burgess wrote:
>> It looks like this was caused by a change made by Frederick back in
>> r19176. The planet dump code used to turn all characters less than 32
>> into '?' instead of creating these character sequences. I guess he
>> didn't read the bit of the XML spec which says that all characters <32
>> are invalid except for tab / newline / carriage return[1]
> Probably right, I didn't read *any* of the XML spec ;-) I cannot
> remember why I made that change, I guess there must have been some
> reason but maybe it was a mistake altogether. I am sorry for the
> inconvenience.
> If you have an uncompressed version of the planet file, the XML bugs can
> be fixed using the following three incantations:
> echo -n '          v="'|dd bs=10 seek=6126462692 conv=notrunc of=planet.osm
> echo -n '     v="'|dd bs=10 seek=6533550293 conv=notrunc of=planet.osm
> echo -n '          "backw' | dd bs=10 seek=13047657759 conv=notrunc
> of=planet.osm
> Make sure to place the name of your planet file in the of= parameter and
> make sure that the number of spaces is exactly as written above.
> If you are streaming the file, then you could use sed to remove any
> occurrence of "&#2.;" or use grep -v to remove all lines containing
> &#22;Meycauayan City Northbound Entry Point
> and
> <member type="node" ref="494163268" role="backw&#27;&#27;ard_stop"/>

I'm using this command
  egrep -v '&#[0-9]*;'
because there is also this mistake:
  <tag k="name" v="Calle de Luis Rodriguez &#15;Ontiveros" />

They all seem to be created around Sep 2009. Hopefully the bugs (in
flash??) has been fixed. And I fixed them (the 3 explicitly mentioned
here) on the live server.

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