
Peter Körner wrote:
> So I was thinking about an XML-Based interface:

I don't like XML but computers are said to like it. Would you return the 
geometry in WKT then?

> what do you think about supplying a raw SQL-Where via URL?
> query.php?(tags ? 'name') AND (tags ? 'highway') AND ((tags->'highway' =
>    'primary') OR (tags->'highway' = secondary'))

I think your example already answers the question: The query has to be 
formulated in a certain way for PostGIS to make proper use of the index, 
i.e. inside knowledge is required in order to write a query that doesn't 
break the system. This should not come from the outside.

(In addition, I am sure that one could somehow insert a sub-query that 
would delete the database ;-)


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