I know a student very interested by developing OpenStreetMap software during
this summer : me !
I've already send a mail to Graham Jones to talk about my situation : I
never contribute to OpenStreetMap. I have always use it, the city where I
live (Grenoble, France) has a lots of interesting tags : all bus stations,
ski piste, hiking routes... and i have done some tests with my OpenMoko.
I am a newbie in developing OSM apps, so I can't do a good proposal.
In the wiki there is a project about a webservice for shapefiles[1]. This
project has no student who wants to get involved for now. This project is :
1) conversion shp=>osm (already done)
2) a webservice to do 1)
3) osm=>shp
4) a webservice to do 3)
I'm interested by this project. Should I open a thread to talk about it (I
have some questions about the languages that I should use, the integration
with the "export" tab...) ?

I have an another proposal : the no-car router. I don't have a drive
license, so I'm a big user of buses, trams, trains... This router has to
deal with forbidden ways for walker and schedules of public transports. This
web-service will use OSM data and a schedule database. Perhaps, the transit
project can [2] give some useful informations.
Do you think it can be a good project ?

David Glesser.

[2] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Ideas_in_Transit

2010/4/3 Graham Jones <grahamjones...@googlemail.com>

> Hi,
> We are over half way through the Google Summer of Code application period
> (All applications must be submitted by 9th April).
> We have received some really interesting proposals ranging from GPX file
> analysis for routing applications, an easy 'mashup generator' to add maps to
> web sites, to producing customisable paper maps (plus quite a few others!).
> If you know any students that might be interested, please encourage them to
> apply as soon as possible (I note we still do not have any volunteers to
> work on the JOSM improvements that have been suggested?).
> We need to choose which of the applications to accept, and assign mentors
> to the chosen students.  If you are interested in acting as a mentor and
> helping with the choice of applications, please contact me.
> Thanks
> Graham.
> --
> Graham Jones
> Hartlepool, UK
> email: grahamjones...@gmail.com
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