
I have refactored some core classes in josm to run in gwt.
this includes most of  data classes. I am porting the graphic output
to use gwt graphics and svg output.
Goal is to get the josm core code running in gwt, first the display
code and then to build the the edit functions.
there are ways to move also rendering to the server side, and the code
is all java, compiled by gwt into javascript using a canvas object and
svg data.

here is a screen-shot :

code here:
git clone g...@github.com:h4ck3rm1k3/GWTOsm.git

I am using eclipse gwt plugins :
http://dl.google.com/eclipse/plugin/3.5 -

and also the gwt-2.0.3 http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/gettingstarted.html
and the two graphics libs
the canvas and the vaadin gwtgraphcsi >
  <inherits name='com.google.gwt.widgetideas.WidgetIdeas' />
        <inherits name='org.vaadin.gwtgraphics.GWTGraphics'/>

Currently having problems with http requests, is using a static xml
loaded into as a resource.
need to rework the xml parsing, sax does not seem to be directly supported.

but you can at least see node positions being displayed.

more to come, all help is welcome. please help test and write test
cases for josm core code.
the more tests we have, the easier it is to port the code.


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