> I have a related question. What might be the best procedure to follow if I
> just want to keep the Finnish excerpt up to date? I have been using the
> Geofabrik country file and osm2pgsql, but now it takes about 40 minutes to
> run and some 20 minutes more for some updates and extra indexes etc. which
> I want to have. Is it possible to generate something like Finland.diff
> files to be used with osm2pgsql for updating the PostGIS database?  I have

You can update an extract with the global diffs. Use the bbox parameter
for osm2pgsql to limit the working area to the area of your extract.

You can also keep an extract.osm up to date using osmosis. Apply the diffs
in osmosis and then apply a bounding box/polygon filter before writing out
the updated osm file.

> been thinking that all that I would really need would be osm_point,
> osm_line and osm_polygon tables, and all those three would only need one
> attribute field, tags as hstore datatype.  All the rest I could do with
> SQL inside database.

You are required to have the slim mode tables (nodes,ways,rels) to be able
to apply diffs.


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